Getting Started

Located in St Louis, MO
Call Us Today
Located in St Louis, MO     314-446-6483

Start Your Bankruptcy Case

To get your bankruptcy case started, I will require the last tax return that you filed, a list of all of your current creditors with their name, address and account numbers and the last six months’ pay stubs for all members of your household. Call me at John Caraker to get help for your bankruptcy case.

Obtain Your Credit Report

You may provide the creditor information on any form that you choose, but it is always a good idea to obtain your credit report. Once you have assembled your information, contact us to schedule an intake interview. If you would like to get a head start on your intake interview, you may open, print, and fill out our intake questionnaire by clicking here.

Complete a Credit Counseling Course

You must also complete a credit-counseling course before you can file. This course is taken through an independent agency approved by the courts and may be done online. You may contact to complete your credit-counseling course. You will receive a certificate which must be filed with your case, with us. If this particular counselor can’t serve you quickly enough, call me, and I will provide you with the names of some other counselors whom you can use if you choose to do so.
Call today to set up an appointment!
I know that this is a scary and confusing time. Depend on me to make sure your needs are met.
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